Just an Oklahoma Girl exploring her new digs in Florida!

Illustration by Freepik StoriesI’m Patsy, your tour guide through Tampa, Florida!

I moved to the Tampa area in June of 2020. I knew about a year or so prior to that that I wanted to move here. So I started my research. What I found was…. NOTHING!

I was all over social media and browsing through Google to find things that I wanted to follow so that when I got there, I’d be ready for fun. I didn’t find a ton of things useful. So I thought, why don’t I do it. So I’m going to help you find and plan your trip to Florida. At least you’ll have an idea of what to do and where to go. If you don’t see it in the blog, you can email me a request to check a place out for you and I’ll do it.

So this blog for lack of a better term is where I will document all the places I go from restaurants to bars to beaches and really anything else. I will focus on the area I live in and include hot places like Clearwater and St Pete. If I go there, I’ll document it. You’ll find everything organized by categories. 

Let’s start exploring Central Florida!